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Understanding Your Data: Water

Here at Tether we’ve got measuring Water usage down-packed.

Here at Tether we’ve got measuring Water usage down-packed. We’ve made this simple and easy to read. Utilizing pulse transmitter technology we can calculate your total water usage. 

By Default we have this set at 1L = 1 pulse. Different smart metres  can use different pulse rates. It’s important you double check with the manufacturer of your Smart Meter to ensure this is how they’re device has been configured. 

At this stage we are only measuring Water usage, we don’t correlate this with cost. Though, in saying this. This is possible. Reach out to us by email @support.tether.co.nz. Provide us with your rate from your utility provider and we can get this feature turned on. 

Why is this important?

Understanding water usage in a building is valuable for several reasons, ranging from financial savings to environmental sustainability and operational efficiency

Cost Savings

Reduced Bills: Understanding water usage can help identify opportunities for savings, which in turn can reduce water bills.

Leak Detection: Monitoring usage can help quickly identify leaks or other issues, preventing wasteful expenditure.

Environmental Impact

Conservation: Reducing water usage helps conserve a precious natural resource.

Reduced Energy Use: Less water usage means less energy required for heating water, contributing to a lower carbon footprint.

Operational Efficiency

Optimized Systems: Understanding water usage can help in sizing water-related systems more accurately, such as pumps and heaters, making them more efficient.

Benchmarking: Tracking usage over time or across multiple facilities can provide valuable data for benchmarking and setting targets.

A detailed understanding of water usage in a building is not just good practice; it's essential for cost control, sustainability, and providing a safe and comfortable environment for occupants.