VoltDrop Installation Guide

A Quick Quide to help you through your Voltdrop installation


In the box:

Voltdrop Unit

Voltsafe Harness (Rogowski Coil)  x 3


Ground Wire Coil



You will need:

Pair of electrical safety gloves

Screw Driver




Before you start:

Make sure you have a LoRaWAN gateway set up and within approximately 25m proximity of the Circuit Board you will be measuring. 

Make sure you have your property set up in the Tether platform.


Tether Platform Set Up - Energy Map

The first key piece of information to start your Voltdrop Set Up, is completing your energy map. This is a tree-like structure of the distribution of energy across your building. You can do this via the Mobile App, or via our desktop platform. 

Our platform allows you to create  parent-child structures, so you can see the energy hierarchy and how it is distributed throughout the building. To get started you go into the Areas tab, and then select energy. 

Next, you need to add a top level parent location, This is usually your incoming mains. This will be the circuit we have the voltdrop connected to.  From the mains you can add child locations, like a distribution board. Tether would recommend you fill out this energy map with as much detail as possible, referencing an electrical line diagram where necessary if you wish to get a complete picture. 

This can be really useful for understanding exactly where your energy is going. Though, to further drill down into these sub-circuits, hotdrops are required down-stream from the voltdrop. Try and note down both the DB names, and what they are feeding. 

Now you can see the hierarchy of where the energy is going.



Device Set Up - Stage 1

Connect Antenna to the devices Communication module at the top of the device body. 


Connect the Ground Wire of the device to an available nut on the ground bar. Screw in until the cable is tight under the nut. 


Connect the body of the unit into one of the metal faces of the switchboard, the body of the unit is magnetised.



Device Set Up - Stage 2:

Above the Circuit Board you may see 4 x sets of cables feeding the main switchboard. 


In this image the left hand 3 sets will be your Phase 1, 2 & 3. The Final right hand side set of cables is your neutral. This may vary in configuration, number, and size of cables. 

Each of the Rogowski Coils will need to go around each phase (set) of the feeder cables on top of the switchboard. Before connecting your first coil, remove the plastic sheath on the vampire tooth. 


Ensure you connect each phase to its corresponding number on the body of the unit. I.e. the coil around phase one should be plugged into the space with the number 1 on the body of the unit.



To connect the coil, make sure the vampire tooth is facing inwards towards the cable sheath and the Arrow on the plastic connection point is facing downwards, towards the load. Press the vampire tooth firmly into the cable sheath. Then use the plastic cable-tie like mechanism to tighten the coil. Once the vampire tooth penetrates the cable sheath you will see a blue light appear on the body of the unit when plugged into slot 1 of the body. Make sure you tighten this so the vampire tooth stays in the cable sheath. 


Please note to test that the coil has been installed correctly. Plug the coil once attached to the cable sheath regardless of its intended phase into slot 1, if the blue light comes on the coil is functioning. You can then plug this into its correct slot. 


Repeat this step for all three phases.



Tether App Setup

Now, we need to shift our focus to the Tether mobile app. This is essential for onboarding the Voltdrop to the Tether platform 

Inside the app, head to your desired property in the Tether platform. 

From here, select the areas tab from the row of icons down the bottom.



Next, Hit the ‘+’ button in the centre of the row of icons. 

Now, we need to hit the button called ‘Device’

This will bring up the QR code scanner, Scan the QR code on the communication module of the device. 

The app will bring up a screen with a big blue button saying ‘Continue’. Click this. 

Then, select the circuit node you wish to connect the Voltdrop to. In most cases this will be the Mains.



Congratulations, you now have a Voltdrop reading mains data, that is being sent on to the Tether platform. Check back in on our Webplatform to view the data.