Feature: Creating an Energy Map

Setting up your Energy Heirachy


Next up, you need to create your energy map. Our platform allows you to create a parent-child structures, so you can see the energy hierarchy and how it is distributed throughout the building. To get started this you go into the Areas tab, and then select energy. 



To get started you need to add a top level parent location, This is usually your incoming mains. You can add multiple mains locations if you have multiple sources like solar as well.  For this example lets select mains as our type and give it a label. We also have the ability for tagging which I will talk about later.  



From the mains you can add child locations, like a distribution board. So lets add a board as an example. 



And within that board you may have a lighting circuit. So lets create a lighting circuit, and lets tag this one. Tagging  allows you to report on asset-specific energy consumption. So say you want to understand how much energy is consumed by the buildings lighting, or HVAC then I you want to create a tag and  then tag it with that option. 



OK Lets add one more child, just to finish off the map.  



Now you can see the hierarchy of where the energy is going. You can also build out your energy map via the desktop platform if you want to have everything mapped out before installation.